Ashley mass effect 1
Ashley mass effect 1

If you romanced her during the first game, you won’t have to do as much to convince her to continue liking you. This can be done by responding with friendly dialogue choices when speaking to her, and speaking with her in the hospital whenever possible after she is sent there to recover during the story. She can’t be recruited until you’re a little ways into the story, and she’ll only be recruitable if you have a decent rapport with her.

ashley mass effect 1

The reason for this is that Ashley is a pseudo-hidden Squademate in the game. This brings us to Mass Effect 3, and it takes a bit more effort to romance Ashley in this title.

ashley mass effect 1

Stick to these methods, and Ashley should fall for you pretty easily by the end of the game. Doing this will keep her interest in you high, and ensure romantic exchanges are available as the game progresses. Outside of dialogue interactions, you can also get her to like you by making choices that lean toward paragon but put humanity’s interests first and foremost. This can be done by going and speaking with her in the Storage section of the Normandy between missions, and exhausting any new dialogue interactions she may have. Like with your other romance options, the best way to get Ashley to like you is by talking to her frequently and flirting whenever the option arises. You’ll need to be a Male Shepard in order to start up a romance with Ashley.

ashley mass effect 1

Let’s start with the best way to romance Ashley in Mass Effect 1. Do be warned though we’ll be going into *Minor Spoilers* in order to explain how and where you encounter Ashley in each game. We’ve unraveled the best methods for catching the eye of this no-nonsense soldier and have laid them out in detail for you down below. As such, we don’t blame you for needing a hand in figuring out how to romance Ashley in Mass Effect. This can be easier said than done though, as you’ll need to select the proper dialogue choices and actions in order to woo her.

ashley mass effect 1

Ashley Williams is one of the first squadmates you’ll encounter in the Mass Effect series, and if you’re like many players, she’ll be the first character you ever try to romance.

Ashley mass effect 1